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Agilent 5800 ICP-OES


The Agilent 5800 ICP-OES is a vertical dual view (VDV) inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometer that allows analysis in radial or axial views expanding the instrument dynamic range and minimizing interferences. The CCD detection system delivers fast, simultaneous measurements over the full 167 to 785 nm wavelength range. The Agilent 5800 is capable of sub part per billion (ppb) levels of detection for alkali and alkali earth elements and 10 ppb up to percent for all other elements on the periodic table aside from C, H, N, O, F and noble gases. In addition, the vertical torch with Freeform optical technology enhances sensitivity and performance.

Uses ~ 2 mL sample/run w/ AVS 6/7 Valve

Accessories: AVS 6/7 integrated valve for ultrafast sampling (~ 1 minute per sample)

Accessories: APS4 autosampler provides up to 240 sample positions for 15 mL conical tubes for high throughput sample analysis

Cost (per hour): $50 internal / $70 external academic / $120 industry per hour, with typical sample run times of 1-2 minutes per sample